Running is easy - you just have to put on your shoes and move faster than you walk. At MFS we provide - Pace based marathon training, Pace based half marathon training, Pace based Ultra Marathon training, Comrades training, Run clinics and Video analysis.
Triathlon Coaching
MFS provides coaching for Ironman, Ironman 70.3 and Olympic Distance.
MFS has training programs for Cycling enthusiasts as well. FTP based structured workouts, Race specific training, Video analysis and Bike Fit are some of the services we provide.
Yoga Sessions
MFS advocates running injury-free. Yoga sessions are an essential part of all of our training plans. A simple yoga routine loosens tight spots, strengthens weak spots, and makes you a better, less injury-prone runner.
Nutrition Planning
MFS prides in providing nutritional planning that is natural and borne out of Ayurvedic principles. Dr. Samta is our resident nutritionist who works with the MFS family in delivering personal nutritional plans.
Unique Training Plans
We provide unique training plans that is RPE/ HR / Power/ HRV/ TSS based. Every training plan incorporates Yoga, Strength Training, Speed workouts among other unique features.
MFS focuses on Swimming for beginners, Open water swimming in addition to providing video analysis to the athletes.
Weight Loss
Interested in a weight loss plan? Worry no more - MFS provides Weight loss workouts and Ayurvedic based Nutrition plan.
Strength Training
Most runners believe that in order to perform better, they just need to log more mileage. That is only half the truth. To become a better run, MFS advocates the importance of Strength Training - it helps improve Lactate Threshold, uses Less Energy for same distance, extra boost in power in the final sprint of the race.
Race Plan Development
We develop individual race plans for our trainees. The plans are designed to help them achieve their target goal.
Injury Rehab
MFS believes in injury free training. We do provide rehab services for someone coming out of injury - E-cises for Posture correction, Foam rolling sessions, Trigger point therapy and Form correction.