Trainee Coach Agreement

Namaskar, Welcome to Menon Fitness Systems!

Menon Fitness Systems is a set of systems that helps define a healthy lifestyle. It's not about coaching, it's not about training plans, it's about the journey of living your life to your full potential.

The most important mission in Menon Fitness coaching process is to ensure trainees achieve their goals, injury free and at the same time enjoy their workouts and races. We believe in using the latest and greatest training techniques, nutrition and equipment standards to get the best out of our athletes. Your commitment to the program is equally important to achieve your goals.

To partner together professionally, We want you to be familiar with the following guidelines.

Coaching Agreement


I agree to serve as your Coach - to partner with you to identify and achieve your goals that will help you realize your true potential.

As your Coach, I cannot guarantee results. You will create powerful results by adhering to the three Cs (Commitment, Consistency and Communication).

As a coach I will create training plans that will enable you to comply, perform and recover efficiently. You can review the plans and provide your feedback. Modifications to the plan will be done only in the first 10 days of the application of the plan.

As a coach, I will review your weekly summary and provide feedback or modify the workouts.

I am a Coach, not a psychotherapist or physician, and I am not trained in diagnosing psychological or medical conditions. If any issues come up for you that should be handled by a licensed therapist or physician, I insist that you must attend to your health by contacting the appropriate professional.

As your Coach, I will bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and commitment to your success. You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, acknowledge your wins, and guarantee utmost confidentiality (to the fullest extent of the law, and so long as I don't fear for your or another's safety) in the powerful, sacred relationship.


I am motivated and committed to taking action on my goals and comply to the training plan assigned to me. I realize that anything less than my intentional full participation will not lead to my success.

I accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from Coaching.

I am under the care of a physician and healthy enough to engage in coaching.

I will provide weekly summary on time so that my coach can review and guide me based on my feedback.

I agree to honour my scheduled session times.

I understand that all training plans, videos, audios and documents are copyrighted by Menon Fitness Systems Pvt Ltd. I will not indulge in wrongful distribution of the same


Coaching fee is payable to Menon Fitness Systems bank account for six months. The fees for six months, quarterly and monthly are different. If a trainee wishes to pay monthly the fees will be higher than compared to quarterly or six monthly. The amount will be intimated by accounting staff of Menon Fitness Systems based on trainee request. If the trainee wishes to discontinue the training, the trainee has to intimate the coach/accounting staff a month prior and not when the billing is done or the training plan is applied.
This fees does not include training camps organized in any city. Trainees have to pay for these camps individually as agreed by the group to which they belong.

Please note that a "month" may not always correspond to a calendar month, but refers to one set of coaching, that usually takes about a month to complete. There will be a late fee associated if the trainee does not make the payment within 15 days of the invoice being raised.

I as a trainee have read and agree with the Coaching Guidelines and the Coaching Agreement.

EULA Agreement

Please read this Mobile Application End User License Agreement (“EULA”) carefully before downloading or using MFS Training application. This EULA forms a binding legal agreement between you (and any other entity on whose behalf you accept these terms) (collectively “You” or “Your”).  Your use of the Mobile App is subject to this EULA. With respect to the use of the Mobile App, and to the extent the Subscription Agreement conflicts with this EULA, the terms of this EULA will govern and control solely with respect to use of the Mobile App.

1. Your Account. Your use of the Mobile App requires that You have an account with Menon Fitness Systems and agree to the terms of the Agreement.

2. Changes to this EULA. MFS reserves the right to modify this EULA at any time and for any reason. MFS will post the most current version of this EULA.

3. Acceptable Use. You agree that You will not use or encourage others to use the Mobile App in a way that could harm or impair others’ use of the Mobile App.

The Mobile App is only available for supported devices and might not work on every device. Determining whether Your device is a supported or compatible device for use of the Mobile App is solely Your responsibility.

4.  Intellectual Property Rights. In the event of a third party claim that the Mobile App, or Your possession and use of the Mobile App, infringes third party’s intellectual property rights, MFS will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.

5. Third Party Beneficiaries. This EULA is executed between You and MFS and not between you and any other party, including Apple for iOS users and Google for Android users. .